More than a few people have acknowledged me to be a magnet for beautiful souls and an invisible bridge between hearts. Someone who brings beautiful people and ideas together to make room for the wonder of the new in synergy. This is definitely one of the things I love most!
I am fascinated by languages understood both as languages-I have a degree in language mediation and am a translator-and as reality codes in a more universal sense-I am a researcher and disseminator of personal evolution and consciousness development techniques,
I also have experience in the more exquisitely holistic world with massage, flower therapy, crystal therapy, evolutionary fortune telling, reconnective healing, scalar prana.
And what is language if not a bridge between worlds?
In addition to Arabic dance in a mystical vein, I devote myself to the omnivorous study of both Eastern disciplines such as yoga, meditation, thai chi, qi gong, reiki and tantra, and Western disciplines such as esotericism, nonviolent communication, effective communication, NLP and all-round hypnosis.
While embracing distant fields of knowledge can be scattershot, for me it meets the vital need to “connect the dots” and find the common thread among pivotal human expressions that recur over the centuries such as shadow, relationship, care, and spirituality.
This naturally leads me to read and write a lot, therefore to delve deeper and produce more and more quality content, which may seem far apart, but instead, it excites me to discover each time, how similar the paths of knowledge are.
I find the holistic approach the most congenial to my nature and to today’s reality, which is increasingly multitasking and in need of both ambitious goals and pivotal values and securities. I always seek balance between the parts, including in dance, music, writing and the relationship between invisible and matter. In this I find the body to be a phenomenal teacher, as I wrote in my book “The Mysticism of Eastern Dance,” in which I analyze the various aspects of the sacred feminine through dance, exploring its boundaries in mystical, mythical, historical, practical and evolutionary ways.
The book is published by Psyche2 and also from the same publishing house along with the volume written 4 hands with Pierluca Zizzi, “Sacred Eros.” You can find both here: