The Mystique of Oriental Dance

General Description of the Contest

From an idea of Diana Migliano, author of “The Mysticism of Oriental Dance,” in collaboration with ilgiardinodeilibri.it, comes the REVOLUTIONARY online free contest: “DEE DANZANTI – The Mysticism of Oriental Dance“.

Information: facebook.com/lamisticadelladanzaorientale

If you too are in love with the most magical and poetic aspect of belly dancing, this is the event for you!

Participating is super easy and best of all…it’s FREE!

The purpose of the event is to bring dance back to the heart and the heart back to dance.

This initiative is REVOLUTIONARY for many, indeed, many reasons:

  1. To bring the heart back into dance , we have decided to start with us in presenting all female dance enthusiasts with an unheard of (indeed, let’s just say UNIQUE) offer to get back on track while eliminating all financial and energy expenses: facilitated application COMPLETELY LOW COSTS! You can do it all online and no fee is required!
  2. It is the perfect opportunity to create a new artistic reality marked by new values of commitment, sensitivity and the ability to forge new alliances, without neglecting fun!
  3. In this contest you can turn the old stressful competition into cheerful collaboration: you can only post one video under your own name, but you can invite an unlimited number of other participants and this will entitle you to another prize, YOU UNDERSTAND, YOU WIN EVEN IF YOU INVITE OTHERS!!!
  4. The awards are many and are meant to highlight every aspect of talent: from pure technique to imagination, charisma, nobility, enthusiasm, networking and other qualities not usually considered important…!
  5. In addition, there is a chance for ALL participants to be selected to FINALLY DANCE LIVE at our future events!
  6. Only requirements: integrity, passion and willingness!

Light up the virtual stage of the Dancing Goddesses with choreography inspired by the archetypes of the sacred feminine, the most inner, mystical and mysterious aspects of this very ancient and extraordinary art!

You can draw inspiration from the book “The Mysticism of Oriental Dance” by Diana Migliano, available for purchase at ilgiardinodeilibri.com and compose a choreography of your choice inherent to the themes covered by the author. Choose, from the many cues, to impersonate a story, a particular symbol, a historical protagonist, a moon phase, a mythological figure, a queen, and why not? A Goddess.

By writing your general opinion about the book in the WRITE A REVIEW section of our partner site Ilgiardinodeilibri.it, you can explain in full your choice, why that idea resonates with you, explain how to get to your video and thus leave a trace in time, appreciable even by people not closely connected to the world of dance.

The main novelty lies precisely in the fact that it is not the one who is most competitive who wins, but the one who is most industrious and cooperative!
So. if you too feel like reliving the joy and pulsating energy of dance, get on board and share your art as much as you can!

Would you like to try in ABSOLUTE PREVIEW
Diana Migliano’s Dancing Goddesses method?
Or Study with real stars of oriental dance? Well!


Up for grabs for the winners will be the opportunity to study for free with such masters as:


But it doesn’t end there…!!!! Hear, hear.
In addition to technique, TRANSVERSAL TALENTS will also be awarded in the extraordinary categories.

Those who bring multiple participants in their name, for example, will get access to a free month of the Dancing Goddesses method with Diana Migliano.

As if that weren’t enough, we’ve raffled off other mouthwatering prizes including handcrafted jewelry and fantastic coupons to spend at ilgiardinodeilibri.com

Of course, it seems to us to be a beautiful way to initiate possible new friendships and collaborations among you and with us. In fact last but not least: there is a chance for ANYONE who participates, and not just those who win, to be selected to finally perform LIVE at one or more future presentations of Diana Migliano’s book “The Mysticism of Oriental Dance” and related events.

In any case, we will be creators of:
– a very strong artistic exchange
– a very high resonance
– a potentially limitless increase in visibility for ALL


Participate too, it’s easy, you will have the opportunity to win many prizes, make yourself known and connect with a beautiful world and many like-minded people!

Through cross-posting on different social channels and all your participation videos will be posted and remain online on the official contest page, easily accessible from related ones, including:

– facebook.com/DanzaDianaMigliano by Diana Migliano,
– facebook.com/danceartperformer by Elisa Scapeccia,
– facebook.com/sandy.dalidue by Sandy D’Alì
– facebook.com/mayagaorrydancer by Maya Gaorry

And from all your shares to the contest link!

Link to the official page where to post the video:

Because we like to turn the tables, we propose an innovative selection criterion, never seen before in contests!!!
Here’s the absolute novelty: the more entries you bring to your name, the more chances you have to win the Best Goddess Worker award!!!


What are you waiting for? Surf the dancing wave of summer!
Share your dance and get as many performers involved as possible to maximize your chances of winning one of our amazing prizes up for grabs!
See you on the official page!


Official Rules

Deadlines for membership

Contest opening date: 11/07/2022 Post closing date: 1/09/2022


Anyone can participate, man, woman, individual or group, age 13 and up, just have an active Facebook profile through which official communications and any winnings will be sent.

A basic knowledge of oriental dance, or at least a strong passion and inclination toward it, is required so that the proposed choreography can be judged artistically interesting and consistent with the oriental world.

Minors may participate only with the express consent of their parents. In any case, the organization is exempt from any liability.

Modalities of Participation

To be regularly in the competition, it is necessary to record the choreography with quality video and audio and post it, accompanied by a title and brief description (of no more than 5 lines), on the official page of the contest “Dance of the Goddesses – The Mysticism of Oriental Dance” at this link:

To avoid copyright issues, it is best to use non-copyrighted music: choose the song carefully.

Be inspired by the themes covered in the pages of the book “The Mysticism of Oriental Dance” by Diana Migliano,
available for purchase here:

– Compose a choreography of your choice emphasizing a symbol , a legend , a myth , an archetype , a totem animal or any subject that tickles your artistic inspiration to share with as many people as possible.
– Post your video on the official Facebook page of Diana Migliano’s “Dance of the Goddesses – The Mysticism of Oriental Dance” competition at this link:
– Invite all your friends to participate, like your video AND THE GAME IS DONE!

The description on the post is short, but you can write extensively in the REVIEWS section of the Ilgiardinodeilibri.it website about your general opinion of the book, explaining what struck you in particular and why you decided to bring that very subject to the stage.
In this way you will already be the protagonist of a testimony that will remain indelible in time , will be useful to many people and of course, will be appreciated by the jury that will also take into account your words and intent.

The underlying goal is always to put your heart into it and spread its light as much as possible!

Winning and Award Ways

As many as 6 videos will be awarded by the jury.

The jury is composed of the masters: Maya Gaorry and Elisa Scapeccia and Diana Migliano at Artistic Direction.

The jury will analyze all videos in good standing, publicly announce the winning videos on the official page by 11/09/22 and award the following prizes at its discretion:


One free month of Elisa Scapeccia’s “Perfecting Technique” course with possible continuation by enjoying 10% discount on the “Private Lessons” package.
One free month of Sandy d’Ali’s “Bellydance Golden Crown” course with possible continuation enjoying 25% discount
One free month of the “Technique and Interpretation of Musical Instruments” course including Maya Gaorry’s “Choreography Cleaning” with possible possibility to continue enjoying 25% discount

And as if that were not enough, we also added the…


“Best Goddess Dancer” Award.
Awarded to the person who invites other people by having the most other contestants participate on his or her behalf:
one free month of the evolutionary path of mystical dance method Goddess Dance with Diana Migliano and possibility to continue studying enjoying 30% discount on the whole path


For the “Best Goddess Dancer” award, write before the title and brief description of the choreography from whom you received the invitation IN THIS WAY:

– If you were invited by another participant before writing anything, start the POST with the words, “INVITE RECEIVED FROM: ….”

– If you are the one inviting other participants, ask them to write your name at the top of their description after the words: “INVITE RECEIVED FROM: ….”

– If no one has invited you, omit this step and write only the title and description (of no more than 5 lines).

“Queen of social” award

Awarded to the video most liked by the virtual audience, then that will collect the most likes and comments at the bottom of the post on the official contest page:
a wonderful oriental-style surprise accessory
PLEASE NOTE: Repost likes on other pages do not count, only and exclusively those on the post of the official contest page.

Critic’s Award

Awarded to the most artistic, exciting, innovative and original video:
A beautiful handcrafted glass fusion jewelry by artist Romina Aiello.

* Remember that the video must not exceed 3 minutes, must be posted no later than September 1, and must be accompanied by a short text structured as follows:
– Invitation received from.
– Title and max 5 lines of description of the choreography.
* Remember to write a review on the book garden, where you can also include references on how to search for your video to gather more votes!
* Remember to have fun!

Above all, remember to invite EVERYONE to put lots of likes on your video and share the event for more visibility and chances to win!



In case it is necessary to be contacted differently from the online contact details, you must specify the mode by sending a private message to the official page asking the administrators for confirmation.

The territorial scope of the contest is Italy.

Those who create problems for other participants, those who post content that is out of context and those who engage in misconduct, in particular those who:

– posts content on Facebook pages that is indecent, obscene, pornographic, threatening, invites violence, discriminatory, racist, offensive, belittles third parties, misleading or illegal as well as content that violates the rights of third parties (including their copyrights and personality rights)
– uploads content that contains direct or indirect advertising for third-party products;
– performs actions that compromise the flawless operation of Facebook and uploads files containing harmful viruses or similar
– posts content for which they do not possess the necessary rights.