Festival of the Orient in Naples Sept. 10, 2022 – The mystique of oriental dance

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Presentation of my book The Mysticism of Oriental Dance at the Oriental Festival

There is wonderful news coming! I am overjoyed to report that I have been invited to the Campania edition of the Festival of the Orient 2022!

On the afternoon of Saturday, September 10, 2022, I will present my book “The Mysticism of Oriental Dance” and the “Dancing Goddesses” contest inspired by it.
Very good dancers will interpret my archetypes and you will have a chance to see my ideas put into practice from ink to stage.

There will be an interview and an interactive moment where you can ask me questions and reserve your purchase of the book at a discounted price!

Of course, for those who wish I will also stop by afterwards for any greetings and contact exchange. I look forward to seeing many of you there!

Also because, in addition to me, there will also be various oriental dance performances and lots of thematic booths of clothing, accessories and everything related to the oriental world!

In the Festival you will find many initiatives dedicated to the oriental world and dozens of other courses, workshops and free activities that you can freely participate in, both in the stage areas and in the various cultural and thematic areas scattered around the fair. I will anticipate a few of them.

Among the thousands of possibilities offered to you by the event you can try many types of oriental cuisine such as the renowned Thai pastries or taste some very good sushi, as well as the finest infusions of ancient China served strictly with the full tea ceremony.

You will enjoy different types of energy cleanses, a rejuvenating Gong bath with Seba, and experience various types of meditation, Buddhist, Zen, Thai.

An experience I recommend to everyone to really get into the atmosphere is to be guided on a tour through the cultural areas, wearing a dreamy oriental outfit such as an Indian sari or a Thai wedding dress

For the more artistic souls, one can create origami, draw Japanese fans and watch the sacred Mandala destruction ceremony.

And for the more energetic there will be dancing to Banghra, Bollywood and of course … belly dancing!!!

Impossible to miss all these beautiful free activities featured in the prestigious festival!

Take a look at the program: https://www.festivaldelloriente.it

See you in Naples,


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